UW Admissions

The UW Admissions promotional booklets for recruiting students were designed to appeal to both domestic and international audiences and combined elevated design with powerful photography.
The UW Admissions promotional booklets for recruiting students were designed to appeal to both domestic and international audiences and combined elevated design with powerful photography.
The UW Admissions promotional booklets for recruiting students were designed to appeal to both domestic and international audiences and combined elevated design with powerful photography.
An Elevated Viewbook Experience
The University of Washington is a public research university founded in 1861 in Seattle, Washington. The admissions viewbooks serve not only as an introduction to life at the University for prospective students but also as a primary recruitment publication for the University. Through custom illustration, bold graphic treatments, powerful photography, and an innovative approach to the University’s family brand, this collection of elevated viewbooks shares the UW story through the student’s perspective, providing valuable information and highlighting the international student experience.
Art Direction
Concept & Campaign Development
Concept Development
Content Strategy
Custom Icons, Illustrations & Infographics
Custom Photoshoot
Print Campaigns
Print Marketing Materials
Communicator Award
UW Admissions viewbook design cover & interior page design layouts
The UW Admissions viewbook design incorporated custom photoshoots with clean typography and a sophisticated color palette for an elevated and consistent look throughout the entire publication.
Custom illustrated map of the Seattle area
Custom illustrations helped incorporate fun and playful elements throughout the viewbook and were given their own spot to shine on an entirely custom-illustrated map showcasing the UW campus and Seattle attractions.
Custom map design showing illustrated map of Seattle
No detail was too small and the map brought to life not only tourist attractions but local transit, shopping, coffee, parks, zoos, and even notable companies in certain locations.

A visually engaging, informative guide to university life with global appeal.

The biggest challenge of this project was the broad appeal required of the admission viewbook. It needed to appeal to both domestic and international audiences. It needed to speak to people familiar with the area, while also enticing people with no knowledge of Seattle. The admissions viewbooks need to not only introduce prospective students to University life but also serve as a key recruitment tool for UW. The other main challenge of the viewbook was communicating a great deal of information in an inviting and digestible format. The hierarchy of information would be critical to the success of the viewbook promoting the university.

Our team worked to encapsulate the UW story through the student’s perspective, incorporating custom illustrations, photography, and clean typography to appeal to both domestic and international audiences. We paid close attention to details, including a custom-illustrated map showcasing the UW campus and Seattle attractions, incorporating fun elements and practical information. Our approach sought to organize the information to not only be clean and readable, but fun and engaging to prospective students. Through infographics, illustrations, and a focus on hierarchy we designed a visually appealing viewbook for the university.

The result was an elevated viewbook design that not only provided valuable information but also resonated with both domestic and global audiences. The incorporation of custom illustrations, detailed maps, and strategic typography brought the UW story to life. From highlighting tourist attractions to showcasing key stats and figures, the viewbooks became a comprehensive guide for UW. The combination of beautiful photography and thoughtful design elements ensured that important statistics and data about the University and campus life were effectively communicated, making the promotional booklets an impactful recruitment tool.

Printout of transfer student book interior page
Important stats and data about the University and campus life were also brought front and center with various typographic treatments and color.
Printout of custom infographic design
A combination of beautiful photography, custom illustration, and typography treatments helped to highlight those infographics that mattered most.
Transfer student cover & interior page design
The transfer student guide for incoming students followed similar design treatments while also being an extremely informative guide for incoming students and the transfer process.
The UW Admissions promotional booklet
The UW Admissions promotional booklets for recruiting students were designed to appeal to both domestic and international audiences and combined elevated design with powerful photography.

We have worked with the following UW entities:

UW District Leadership Design Lab
UW Finance and Facilities
UW Surplus
UW Medicine
UW College of the Environment
UW Medicine Advancement

UW Rowing
UW School of Admissions
UW School of Nursing
UW Foster School of Business
UW The Robinson Center
UW College of Education

UW Institute For Health Metrics and Evaluation
UW Institute of Translational Health Sciences
UW School of Social Work
UW Institute for Science and Math Education
UW Information School