Fenix Marine Services

Custom WordPress home page showcasing the vibrant new marine terminal.
Custom WordPress home page showcasing the vibrant new marine terminal.
Custom WordPress home page showcasing the vibrant new marine terminal.
Fenix Marine Services is one of the largest container terminals in the largest container port in the western hemisphere, with newly updated, state-of-the-art cargo handling equipment and systems. Fenix is building a reputation for top-tier innovation and execution.
Brand Guidelines
Brand Strategy
Concept & Campaign Development
Content Strategy
Custom Software Integrations
Google Slides Template
Logo & Identity Development
PowerPoint Template
Training & Team Workshops
Web Development
Website Design
Communicator Award
Fenix Marine Services Logo on a Crane
Logo designed to communicate in a large-scale format.
Image of logo sketch in notebook with pencil
Logo sketch of the mark combining the Fenix and a shield.
Custom WordPress About Page
Custom WordPress About page showcasing the mission, vision and values Jennergy referenced in designing the Fenix identity.

A brand identity strategically designed to communicate the company’s mission, vision, and goals.

Fenix Marine Services is one of the largest container terminals in the largest container port in the western hemisphere. With newly updated, state-of-the-art cargo handling equipment and systems, Fenix is building a reputation for top-tier innovation and execution. Following the sale of the previous major marine port to new owners, Jennergy was tasked with developing a comprehensive brand package, including renaming the company and designing a unique website highlighting the port’s technology-forward approach. The challenge for Fenix was crafting a unique brand identity that would appeal to a diverse audience of stakeholders, including shipping companies, regulatory bodies, and the local community, while also aligning with their promise of technology innovation and positioning them as a pivotal player in the marine industry.

Our approach for rebranding this massive port considered the company’s boldness in technology adoption and its integrity in choosing technology based on its effectiveness rather than for the sake of new technology. With this in mind, Jennergy crafted a brand that would communicate boldness, innovation, and transcending from old ways of thinking proposing the name Fenix and designing a bold mark that brought great pride from stakeholders, employees, and even of the port itself.

Brand execution included an extensive suite of deliverables across all of the company’s materials and visual assets, including business cards, letterheads, apparel, signage, and even the port cranes themselves. Jennergy also re-designed and refreshed its website to align with the new look, including a fully optimized user experience, with a responsive design ensuring accessibility across various devices and platforms—with special mobile consideration to the needs of those doing business at the port. Our comprehensive rebrand and website refresh repositioned Fenix as the most forward-thinking, technologically advanced marine port in Los Angeles—and made sure they looked the part.

Image of Fenix Marine Services container terminal in Sodo with cargo ship docked
Fenix Marine Services container terminal with cargo ships.
Custom WordPress Terminal Page
Custom WordPress terminal page with up-to-date information on gates, berths, rail, and containers. This popular page highlights key information for newcomers to the terminal and those returning.