SBE, WBE Certified

Decorate Your Website for the Holiday $eason


The holiday season is a perfect time to test out a new product or feature on your website. As many shoppers are quickly on the hunt for the perfect gift, adding a splash page or holiday shopping section to your Shopify or Ecommerce site is a great way to test a new revenue stream, or provide seasonal items they otherwise would miss. With clever design and copywriting, you can provide a sense of urgency to your audience and additionally create an opportunity to get feedback on products from a varied sampling of shoppers and products.

When deciding what to sell, it’s important to limit your focus. Choose products that fall within a theme, are seasonally appropriate, or provide a good representation of your brand. This creates an ideal introduction to your brand for new customers and gives existing customers a way to discover something new.

Some quick tips to make your Ecommerce store earn more this shopping season:

  • Paint it red: Besides a traditional holiday color, it creates a sense of urgency.
  • Big headlines: Using large headlines help grab attention quickly.
  • Incorporate mentions of discounts: Reiterating the offer(s) throughout the page will entice shoppers to click-through.
  • Use urgency in design: Make sure customers know they only have a limited time to take advantage of the holiday offer.
  • Mention free shipping: One of the most persuasive parts of any Ecommerce design — if you offer it, promote it.

The holiday season is a critical time for Shopify, Shopify Plus and Ecommerce sites to drive sales and try something new. Creating a dedicated holiday section of your site and implementing a marketing strategy will maximize this time of year, boost sales, and engage shoppers.

Looking to branch into a physical shop and connect with a different customer base? Consider a holiday pop-up shop for your point of sale. Contact us for more information, we would love to help increase your numbers!


Together let's

ideate and iterate solutions.

apply design thinking methodology.

increase your product’s usability.

streamline your information architecture.

develop unique user personas.

identify your product’s red routes.

optimize conversion rates.

use AI to increase efficiency. 

create your product design.

create omnichannel campaigns.

differentiate your product’s value.

define your corporate social responsibility.

deliver on your brand promise. 

re-align your strategy.

engage your audience. 

create a great user experience.

create a scalable design system.

design new brand materials.

update your digital strategy.

develop an innovative content strategy.

create a strong user journey.

measure your marketing efforts.

build an engaging website.

create a “wow” factor.

build something great.

do good work.

create dynamic content.

share your story.

give your competitors something to talk about.

tell your story.

market your new service.

get to work.

a new digital you.

increase your sales.

create your visual story.
